Hey there,
I feel like I've really been neglecting my blog lately. It's this awesome tool that I am completely under-utilizing. I walk around all high and mighty as though I'm this accomplished writer, when all I really do is journal and write essays for school. Being in journalism doesn't even help all that much because its just this never ending strangulation of creativity. There are so many rules that have to be followed to write a journalistically "good" article. Admittedly, I'm getting incredibly good at reciting those rules to reporters and finding deviations from these rules in their articles, but that is definitely not going to make me a better writer overall. My whole justification for this blogging, despite how lame it often feels, is based on the theory on expertise stating that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert. Writing is unique in that there's so much variation, and possibility inherent in it simply because it can be about anything. And I like doing it to boot. So basically, my overall point here is I'm hoping regular blogging will serve as good writing practice, and just generally a healthy outlet for self-expression for one very angsty teen... (These are the jokes. Right?)
And I mean, why not? It's the summer. Not like I've got better stuff to do.
(That's only half true... haha)
Stay tuned.
Hahahaha that's so true about journalism. But I think journlalism (at first, at least) totally helped my writing, because it made me be detached and get chill with the idea that not everything that's fun to write is actually good.